Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to our Dear Louise: Big Sister, Loyal Friend, and Companion Through Our Shared Adventures


Steve Blood said...

It would be fun to celebrate with everyone, but happy birthday anyway. Lots of Love

Elizabeth said...

A very happy birthday today, Louise - Look forward to seeing you on Friday. Love you, Big Sis.

Judy said...

Well this is sure a happy day for our family. We take great pride in having our first born sibling reach this monumentous milestone in happiness and mostly good health. Louise, you are remarkable in so many ways. Your example sets the bar pretty high for others to follow. If you had one piece of advice to give to the rest of us, what would it be....
Happy Birthday with our love!

Louise Blood said...

One piece of advice, hmmm, Judy. That's a tough one. If wisdom is supposed to come with age, I have yet to wait. Maybe another ten years? What can I say? Find something each day to find joy in. Thank you for the nice things you said. I do feel very blessed to be at this "milestone" with all that I am able to do and enjoy.

Ann said...

Happy Birthday! What a super day for you. May your day be full of fun and good things. Love you lots.

Louise Blood said...

P.S. The heading is very touching, Dwight, thank you for the nice things you said and for posting the pictures. And thanks to everyone for the good wishes.

Elizabeth said...

Oops - Saturday. I am really rushing the date!

Judy said...

I'm so glad that Elizabeth will get to the party on the right day. I thought maybe she knew something that the rest of us did not. I hope it is a wonderful party for all, especially the honoree.

Ann said...

We will miss you, Judy and Steve, but will try to give a good report.